The Iberian lead tablet of the CIRNE Foundation (Museum of Xàbia, Alicante): a new text in the dual variant of the north-eastern script




Iberian epigraphy, inscribed lead tablet, Iberian signary, palaeohispanistics


The purpose of this work is to present a new Iberian lead tablet of unknown origin, preserved in the Museu de Xàbia (Alacant), which might contain up to three texts in north-eastern Iberian writing, but without it being clear how they interrelate. Its most distinguishing feature may be the specular disposition of the texts, with parallels both within and outside the Iberian corpus. From the point of view of the script, the use of the two-stroke ti sign allows us to propose that the inscription originated in Edetania or nearby Contestania. In addition, the texts make explicit use of the dual system, displaying a high degree of consistency with respect to the standard behavior. Also noteworthy is the use of the duality of the trill ŕ, which shows a similar distribution to that already attested in south-eastern Iberian writing, with the marked variant, ŕ, before consonant, the unmarked one, ř, in intervocalic position and plausibly representing the multiple trill, and both in final position. As for the lexicon, the presence of the element baides and of several clear Iberian personal names, such as sakaŕaŕgi, uŕkebeŕś , and niosildiř , should be highlighted, yet the inscription lacks diagnostic elements to determine its function.


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How to Cite

Ferrer i Jané, J., Moncunill Martí, N., Sabaté Vidal, V., Velaza Frías, J., Bolufer Marqués, J. ., & Martínez, E. (2022). The Iberian lead tablet of the CIRNE Foundation (Museum of Xàbia, Alicante): a new text in the dual variant of the north-eastern script. Archivo Español De Arqueología, 95, e07.




Funding data

Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación
Grant numbers PID2019-106606GB-C33;PID2019-105650GB-I00

Agencia Estatal de Investigación
Grant numbers PID2019-106606GB-C33;PID2019-105650GB-I00