Hispanic terra sigillata production by indirect-flame and four à tubulures in the Iberian peninsula. Synthesis, technical observations and technological proposal for its interpretation





Roman pottery, sintered red slip, perimeter ducts kilns, production processes, economic efficiency, Los Villares de Andújar-Isturgi, Tritium Magallum, Hispania


The procedures of firing sintered red slip potteries in the major sigillatae production centers in Hispania, as well as the structures that their implementation entails, even today, and despite the knowledge generated in the French academia, have largely remained outside the core of the research on the productive processes of Roman pottery wares in the Iberian peninsula. With the approach that we are now carrying out, it is highlighted, from the critical analysis of certain firing structures and archaeological ceramics coming from centers such as Los Villares de Andújar-Isturgi, the existence of not only a single model to obtain Hispanic terra sigillatae of a high qualitative standard and totally sintered red slips on it. At the same time, the geographical implantation of so-called perimeter duct kilns is defined within the framework of an evident of technological transfer process originating in the central Gaulish provinces, circumscribed to the northern half of Hispania


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How to Cite

Ruiz Montes, P. (2020). Hispanic terra sigillata production by indirect-flame and four à tubulures in the Iberian peninsula. Synthesis, technical observations and technological proposal for its interpretation. Archivo Español De Arqueología, 93, 219–228. https://doi.org/10.3989/aespa.093.020.011




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