The Cabezo del Pino workshops complex (Sierra Minera de Cartagena-La Unión, Murcia) and the mining activities organisation at Carthago Noua at the end of the Roman Republic. Cross-contributions of archaeology and geochemistry




lead isotopes, ore washing plant, litharge, ingots, II-I century BC.


The paper presents the results of the lead isotope analyses (LIA) made on various material and artefacts (ore, washing sediments, litharge) uncovered on the recent excavations carried on an ore washing plant in the Roman silver mining district of Carthago Nova. The aim of such analyses was to precise the isotopic signature of the washing plant so that it could be possible to contextualize it in the whole district. Combined with archaeological and epigraphical data, the LIA can contribute to better know the organisation of Roman mining and metallurgical activity in Cartagena.


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How to Cite

Baron, S., Rico, C., & Antolinos Marín, J. A. (2017). The Cabezo del Pino workshops complex (Sierra Minera de Cartagena-La Unión, Murcia) and the mining activities organisation at Carthago Noua at the end of the Roman Republic. Cross-contributions of archaeology and geochemistry. Archivo Español De Arqueología, 90, 147–169.




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