Some notes on the figure of Arganthonius and his mythical elements


  • Aurelio Padilla Monge Universidad de Sevilla



Tartessos, Charon of Lampsacus, Greek mythology


Several elements of the story narrated by Herodotus (I, 163) about Arganthonius, King of Tartessos, raise questions on the historical reality of this character: first, the mythical aspects of his figure, since he can be considered both a realization of the picture of the friendly king who welcomes travelers and an embodiment of the idea of a far-off and mysterious source of wealth; second, the chronology of his reign and his life, in which a mythical period of Mesopotamian origin was used; third, the history itself of his relationships with the Phocaean sailors, in which a narrative clich. was employed, and finally the likely origin of his own name, maybe taken perhaps by Charon of Lampsacus from a Bithynian mythological cycle.


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How to Cite

Padilla Monge, A. (2014). Some notes on the figure of Arganthonius and his mythical elements. Archivo Español De Arqueología, 87, 7–20.


