El tema del enganche del carro de Príamo sobre una hidria del Museo Arqueológico Nacional de Madrid


  • Eleni Manakidou


The main scene of Priam Painter's name vase. a hydria in the Madrid Archaeological Museum (inv. no 12920) belongs to the Epic/Trojan cycle, as it is suggested by the "París kalos" inscription beside one of the main figures, an archer in Scythian garments. lt is a typical scene of harnessing a quadriga. However the unusual elderly owner of the chariot, holding the reins and the "kentron" in his hands, can only be identified as Priam. Despite of the earlier general interpretations of the scene, or its relation to the king's departure for Hector's ransom (II, XXIV, 279-80., ib. 322-7), suggested by K. Friis-Johansen, we do support here the association of the scene with another departure of the royal chariot (II, III, 259-60): Priam, accompanied by Antenor, is departing for the Troyan field to watch the duel between Paris and Menelaos. This way, the figure of Paris in our scene can be thoroughly explained.


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How to Cite

Manakidou, E. (1991). El tema del enganche del carro de Príamo sobre una hidria del Museo Arqueológico Nacional de Madrid. Archivo Español De Arqueología, 64(163-164), 231–234. Retrieved from https://aespa.revistas.csic.es/index.php/aespa/article/view/504


