Tableware for special occasions: Late fifth century Attic pottery from an Iberian house at Ullastret


  • Marina Picazo Gurina Universitat Pompeu Fabra



Attic pottery, Iberian social organization, commercial networks, indigenous agency


Based on a study of a particular set of Attic pottery from the Iberian site of Ullastret, this paper presents a reflection on the selection criteria adopted by indigenous groups in relation to fine Attic ware (late fifth and fourth centuries BC). The accumulation of a collection of “Best China” related to the collective consumption of wine suggests the adoption of specific aspects of Greek culture by the Iberian aristocratic elite.


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How to Cite

Picazo Gurina, M. (2015). Tableware for special occasions: Late fifth century Attic pottery from an Iberian house at Ullastret. Archivo Español De Arqueología, 88, 25–37.


