Amid Amazons and Griffins. A journey through frontier imagery in the IV century B.C.


  • Margarita Moreno Conde
  • Paloma Cabrera Bonet Museo Arqueológico Nacional



Greek iconography, Greek trade, ethnicity, Iberia, Black Sea, woman, hybrid being


The Amazon imagery started population Greek vases at the end of the VII century B.C. Being of a polysemic nature, they personify the absolute otherness for the ideal Greek citizen, due to their representation of all the antithetical values: they are women, barbarian, undomesticated. Through the following centuries they are endowed with new meanings, especially in the IV century B.C., a time of profound geopolitical changes. The graphical representation of the struggle for the control of gold between Arimaspi, fierce one-eyed warriors, and Gryps, fearsome hybrid beings that extract it from the earth and guard it, starts towards the end of the vi century B.C., but it will also become a favourite theme of the Greek painters in the iv century B.C., mainly intended for the peripheral areas. We analyze the distribution area of vases decorated with both themes at both ends of the Mediterranean, and its meaning. Amazonomachy and Grypomachy, frontier imagery, seem to act as essential elements in the building of the Greek identity.


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How to Cite

Moreno Conde, M., & Cabrera Bonet, P. (2014). Amid Amazons and Griffins. A journey through frontier imagery in the IV century B.C. Archivo Español De Arqueología, 87, 41–58.




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