Identities and grave goods in early medieval necropoleis. Isotopes studies in the cemetery of San Martin of Dulantzi, Alava (6th-11th centuries)


  • Juan Antonio Quirós Castillo Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea
  • Miguel Loza Uriarte
  • Javier Niso Lorenzo



Necropoleis, Early Medieval Ages, Isotopes, identities, paleodiet, mobility


This paper presents the results of the isotopic studies made on the anthropological remains recovered in the archaeological excavation of the early medieval site of San Martín of Dulantzi (Alegría–Dulantzi, Álava), carried out by the archaeological company Iterbide. The discovery of a series of tombs dating in the 6th and 7th centuries inside a church, some of them containing grave goods, has enabled the analysis, in critical terms, of the status, the eating patterns and the mobility of these individuals through the analysis of the isotopes and the funerary rites. Specifically, it has been possible to observe that it is a local society, with a scarce impact of immigrants, and the personal ornaments constitute a social status marker inside a community with homogeneous lifestyle. Likewise, these results are discussed in the context of other studies conducted at several European sites of the same chronology.


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How to Cite

Quirós Castillo, J. A., Loza Uriarte, M., & Niso Lorenzo, J. (2013). Identities and grave goods in early medieval necropoleis. Isotopes studies in the cemetery of San Martin of Dulantzi, Alava (6th-11th centuries). Archivo Español De Arqueología, 86, 215–232.


