The “oval house” of the Areopagus and the Medontidas in the origin of the polis of Athens


  • Miriam Valdés Guía Universidad Complutense de Madrid



“oval house”, Athen’s formation, basileia, aristocracy, cults of the Areopagus


The Geometric elliptical building found at the north slope of the Areopagus, reused as a votive deposit in VII century BC., is useful to reflect about the polis formation process and the step from the basileia to other aristocratic and associative forms of government in the origins of Athens, in relationship with some cults which are converted in references for the whole community.


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How to Cite

Valdés Guía, M. (2012). The “oval house” of the Areopagus and the Medontidas in the origin of the polis of Athens. Archivo Español De Arqueología, 85, 9–21.


