Music and Sound in the Funeral Rites of Majorcan Post-Talaiotic
Archaeomusicology, Balearic Islands, Iron Age, tintinnabulum, bells, material cultureAbstract
The existence of certain elements destined for making sounds in the funerary context during the Iron Age in Majorca and Minorca has been known to archeologists for quite some time, although no great effort has ever been made to understand what this means in terms of social practices. The presence of sound-related artifacts, like bells or tintinnabula, requires us to contemplate the existence of funerary practices in which music or the creation of certain sounds was an important part of performing the rites. In this article, various objects found in the Majorcan necropolises that could be linked with the phenomenology of sound are analyzed, and a discussion is carried out regarding what this evidence can tell us about Post- Talaiotic society.
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